Social Emotional
Although exhibiting some challenging behavior during early childhood is typical and varies greatly across environments, some children exhibit challenging behaviors that are more chronic and result in significant difficulties for the child, family, and learning environment. In these cases, it is important to have specialized early intervention services available to them and their families as soon as possible to help prevent long-term difficulties. The initial step towards detection of such problems and the prevention of more severe issues is to conduct screenings across developmental areas to help identify those children and families that would benefit from early and targeted intervention strategies. This talk will discuss social emotional issues in young children and how to screen and refer these children.
Learning Objectives:
- Define social and emotional (S/E) development
- Explain importance of screening for families, your practice
- Give examples of S/E milestones and “red flags”
- Use, document and bill for ASQ:SE tool
- Discuss concerns and referral resources